For my 20 years of experience, it is interesting to see the changing structure of our society in the mindsets and activities of my patients. Lately, a growing concern has been the rampant usage of contraceptives of the morning-after or emergency pill kinds. I have seen a record and history of its effects. Please don’t be careless with your bodies, ladies. It is extremely important to pay attention to every little thing you feed it. An emergency pill may cause infertility and I ask you’ll to be alert, responsible and wise about your choices.
Tag: homoeopathy
In this blog we will discuss the ways in which we unconsciously may be harming our body while being misinformed by contraception. This occurs due to lack of awareness.
The market and advertisements provide a wide option of contraceptives. However, this is not discussed by parents and causes a gap in understanding for the young girls exploring physical or sexual activities.
They feel guilty as this area and topic is avoided in most conversations, often considered too embarrassing or tabooed.
Sex education at school is discussed in metaphors or through awkward descriptions, making it even more difficult for the children to understand.It is time to inform the young teens and 20 somethings about contraception to avoid any possible complications. I often see cases of infertility that stems from lack of education. Speak up! Inform the young!
With a success rate of treating around 200 and more couples through our painless fertility treatment, we wish to bring to you cases and complications in fertility that will inform and guide to help you make sound choices for yourself and your children.
We will first focus on puberty as it is one of the often misguided and mismanaged stages that sometimes leads to difficulty in conception. It is vital to not mismanage and to ensure parents, especially mothers inform their daughters and be informed about their bodily changes and avoid any treatment to rectify, unless a holistic approach is chosen.
For any further details, feel free to connect with us at our clinic.
In my years of practice, I have come across patients with a constant disbelief or misbelief in the benefits and treatment methods of Homoeopathy. It is astounding that even after so many years of actuality, there still remains confusion and false ideas of this field of science. The knowledge, though proved time and again, fails to reach the individual correctly. I hope to bust some myths and clear some pre-conceived notions about homoeopathy. Some of the common myths that I have had to correct are noted down. Hope it helps in clearing the confusion for many others.
Homeopathy is slow and takes very long to treat the patient!
Myth Buster: Homoeopathy is the fastest mode of cure in medical science, if selected correctly and prescribed in right doses at the right time. It depends on each Homoeopathic Doctor to identify how quickly he/she is able to choose the right medicines. Otherwise time lapses could be longer if remedy is not perfect.
Every cell and organ in the body is working and repairing in a particular way and at a particular time, e.g. for a broken bone, a simple fracture always takes 3-4 weeks minimum to heal up. That’s how the doctor puts a plaster for at least 3 weeks. Like this, every cell in body has a fixed time to recover under favorable environmental conditions. One must understand from their doctor how much time their disease will take to show signs of recovery.
Homoeopathic treatment boosts immunity cells to fight your disease and give fastest results.
Amongst our clinic patients, friends and families it’s a routine experience for patients to recover very quickly with our Homoeopathic Medicines.
-Acute viral gastroenteritis cured in 6 hours
-Dengue type fevers cured in one day
-Acute asthmatic attack, better in 2 minutes right in front of me in my cabin.
-Urinary tract infection-cured in 24 hrs
The list is endless with all documented results…in short, one must ask my patients, rather than me, if Homoeopathy is fast or slow to act or to “Cure”.
Homeopathy has steroids!
Myth Buster: This again refers to my answer given in the first myth…as Homoeopathy acts fast, it’s very obvious for all to doubt its authenticity and assume to have steroids in it. But time and again patients have taken forensic and pathological lab confirmations of our medicine (liquids/globules/ powders) samples with confirming results of it being pure, authentic and free of any steroids. We are open to people testing our medicines and would welcome any such steps by our patients or others to help us remove any doubts about Homoeopathy from our society.
Homoeopathy is only good for chronic conditions & not acute conditions!
Myth Buster: As the process of cure through Homoeopathic treatment is so fast and rapid, it acts best in acute conditions like viral infections, fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, injuries, allergic conditions, asthma, jaundice, dengue fevers, enteric fevers, boils, abscesses. I strongly feel, Homoeopathy should be taught as first aid to all medical personals as it’s so easy to use and has promising results. It should also be widely allowed to use in ICU and NICU to help us save vital lives, easily and quickly.
I could bring back my 92 year grandfather in ICU from respiratory failure not once but three times by just rubbing medicines on his extremities.
Homoeopathy is nothing else but just a ‘placebo’!
Myth Buster: Homoeopathic physicians and their patient groups have documented results of both acute and chronic diseases which are scientifically proven and not just cured with a ‘placebo’!
Our medicines are potent in their most diluted forms and we prescribe them in absolutely fractional forms. Homoeopathy works on nanotechnology and cellular mechanism. Atomic mass of our medicines is extremely low so if one measures in quantity, it may appear to be a placebo but when prescribed under right medical guidance it shows miraculous results!!!
Homoeopathy cures everything!
Myth Buster: I wish if that was not a myth!! There would be no deaths! No sufferings!
Homoeopathy also has limitations like other systems of medicine. Honestly, surgical diseases have to be operated, we have to remove mechanical obstructions. Homeopathy can definitely improve homoeostasis but structural deformities and extra growths have to undergo procedures.When you want to start Homoeopathic treatment, you will be advised to stop all other medications of Allopathy or Ayurveda etc.
Myth Buster: Homoeopathy can easily gel with any other systems of medicine it has no interactions. Certain medicines which the patient consumes for a while like for hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, thyroid etc. can’t be abruptly stopped. Patient will have severe withdrawal relapse. Over a period, as Homoeopathic medicines keep curing, the illness and their medicines by default get tapered down by their consultants.
After starting with homoeopathic treatment you will develop severe initial exacerbation or aggravation of disease specially skin lesions… as homoeopathy treats and solves all…
Myth Buster: This one is a real terror myth for patients with severe chronic fulminating skin problems….it’s not true…if it was what would happen to asthma patient if it’s aggravated?
What happens is when we begin our treatment we ask patients to reduce their local application of steroidal ointments which they would be using for a long time? So the natural lesions start reappearing which were suppressed earlier by these creams. Coincidentally at the same time our medicines are prescribed, so it appears as though the reappearance happened through our medicines.
These are some of the myths I have encountered and hoped to clear and clarify. However, I understand that it may not have covered all doubts. Please feel free to write in the comment section or even send us a post reply on Facebook if you have any more queries on Homoeopathy. We will be more than happy to clear and clarify all doubts to instill belief in the power of Homoeopathy.