For my 20 years of experience, it is interesting to see the changing structure of our society in the mindsets and activities of my patients. Lately, a growing concern has been the rampant usage of contraceptives of the morning-after or emergency pill kinds. I have seen a record and history of its effects. Please don’t be careless with your bodies, ladies. It is extremely important to pay attention to every little thing you feed it. An emergency pill may cause infertility and I ask you’ll to be alert, responsible and wise about your choices.
Tag: infertility
In this blog we will discuss the ways in which we unconsciously may be harming our body while being misinformed by contraception. This occurs due to lack of awareness.
The market and advertisements provide a wide option of contraceptives. However, this is not discussed by parents and causes a gap in understanding for the young girls exploring physical or sexual activities.
They feel guilty as this area and topic is avoided in most conversations, often considered too embarrassing or tabooed.
Sex education at school is discussed in metaphors or through awkward descriptions, making it even more difficult for the children to understand.It is time to inform the young teens and 20 somethings about contraception to avoid any possible complications. I often see cases of infertility that stems from lack of education. Speak up! Inform the young!